How to make folder with ("CON" , "AUX" and "NUL") name.

Do you want to fool your friends or somebody else? If yes than this trick is useful to you. This trick is about creating folder with name  "con","aux"or"nul" .

"CON" , "AUX" and "NUL" are the names with which we cannot make folder in computer coz they are system names or whatever. But in this trick I will teach you how to make these folder to fool your friends.

Let's start:

Here you go, a simple method 
 1.  Make a New folder 
 2. Rename folder from the right click option.
 3. Now press alt and press 255.
 4. press 255 from the right side of the key boards i.e, Num pad.
 5. now write con and then press enter.
 6. Then what?     You ll see a con folder in your pc.
          You can delete it easily. 
That's it you have made your friends fooled. :D

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